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Water Analysis & Testing CT


“Why should I have my CT well analyzed? We’ve been drinking this for YEARS!”

CT Well Water Test & Analysis CompaniesMost Connecticut residents simply do not know if their well contains bacteria or not. “We’ve been drinking that water for years and have never had a sick day in our lives.” Well, that may be true. People can sometimes develop immunities to certain strains of coliform and may never have a problem.

What you need to remember as a Connecticut resident, is that the human body is not a static system. Resistances to certain substances or organisms increase and decrease over time, immune systems become compromised, or family members move into the house (ie. marriage, birth, adoption, death of a spouse, etc) permanently or even for a short weekend visit. Any one of these can mean that someone who does not have the immunities that you have may come into contact with organisms that can cause significant gastrointestinal distress – enough to warrant hospitalization.

A simple, test can help you with that.

We come to your home or business to collect a sample to be analyzed for total coliform and E.coli bacteria. This is a presence / absence test that will statistically assure you that your well is free of coliform contamination. In most cases a full water potability test is performed, especially if you need the results for a certificate of occupancy (CO), new home construction, a mortgage or mortgage refinance both conventional as well as FHA or VA.

The water Connecticut potability test includes: coliform bacteria, e. coli bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, color, odor, pH, turbidity, chloride, hardness, sulfates, iron, manganese, sodium, and total chlorine

Your test results are available electronically in a pdf format as well as in hard copy form. All water testing results are Connecticut state certified.

When you test your water for coliform, you are actually testing to see if your CT well has been in contact with surface water. If your well has had surface water contamination, then it is likely that you may also have other organisms contaminating your water source.

A positive total coliform/E.coli indicates the source of your water contamination could have been be a single incident, such as a pump replacement or well repair or a flood that inundated the wellhead, or it could be a continuous contamination such as rock fractures, poor grouting around the well, a sinkhole, etc.

For this reason, the EPA recommends that your have a routine annual analysis for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH. Regular testing establishes a record of water quality that is useful in solving current or future problems with your home or business.

"Water Analysis near me in CT?" Yes. Schedule your appointment now. Call today 888-558-1574. ~~~ Thank you.

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Analysis for Radium in Connecticut Drinking Water

What Is Radium? Radium is a naturally occurring radioactive element that is present in varying amounts in rocks and soil within the earth’s crust. Small amounts of radium also can be found in groundwater supplies throughout CT which is why an analysis / testing is sometimes a good idea. Is Radium In My Connecticut  Water? Surface water is usually low in radium but groundwater can contain high levels of radium depending on local geology. Deep bedrock aquifers used for drinking water sometimes contain levels of Ra-226 and Ra-228 that exceed health-based regulatory standards. Most of the private wells in Connecticut draw their well water from aquifers that are much shallower than those used by public water supplies. Most shallow aquifers do not contain higher levels of radium. However, radium has been found in some private and public wells. Radium cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled in your drinking water. Unless your private water supply has been tested for radium, you should not assume your water is radium-free. All public water supplies are tested regularly for radium. Is Radium In Water Harmful To My Health? Radium in water may pose a hazard to human health when the water is used for drinking or cooking. Only a small portion of ingested radium is absorbed from the digestive tract and distributed throughout the body. The rest is passed unchanged from the body. Some absorbed radium is excreted in urine. Absorbed radium behaves similarly to calcium and is deposited in the tissues of the body, especially bone. Any radiation received externally through showering, washing, or other uses is not a hazard since alpha...

CT Water & Health Risks to Children

Private well water in CT should be tested yearly, and in some cases more often, according to new guidance offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).  The recommendations call for annual well testing, especially for nitrate and microorganisms such as coliform bacteria, which can indicate that sewage has contaminated the well. The recommendations point out circumstances when additional testing should occur, including testing when there is a new infant in the house or if the well is subjected to structural damage. “Children are especially vulnerable to waterborne illnesses that may come from contaminated wells,” said Walter J. Rogan, M.D. “With few exceptions, well owners are responsible for their own wells,” said Rogan. Private Connecticut wells are not subject to federal regulations and are only minimally regulated by the state. With proper care, well water is safe; however, wells can become contaminated by chemicals or pathogenic organisms. Nitrate, which comes from sewage or fertilizer, is the most common contaminant in wells. The presence of nitrates can be a problem particularly for infants under three months who can not metabolize nitrate. Water with a nitrate concentration of more than 10 milligrams per liter should not be used to prepare infant formula or given to a child younger than one year....